These libraries were extensively used to build the demos.

Used to implement the main source code for most of the projects

Used for most of the standard plots.

Used for interactive visualisations and scatter plots.



Convolutional Neural Network

Train and Test a CNN and visualise its layers in 3D.

Neural Style Transfer

Perform Neural Style Transfer on a variety of images.

Artificial Neural Network

Train and Test an ANN and visualise its structure.


Train an Autoencoder and visualise its Latent Space in 2D.

Vanishing Gradients

Visualise how ReLU solves the problem of Vanishing Gradients.

Support Vector Machines

Visualise the effects of kernels and parameters on a SVM.

Principal Components Analysis

Visualise the principal components of different types of datasets.

Logistic Regression

Visualise the separation of classes using Logistic Regression.